The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I did not land too far from "Happy Valley", residing now in Pittsburgh PA. I stopped along the way at Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA to work with the Vietnamese refugees right after graduation - a fantastic opportunity where I made great friends. Since then, I have been blessed with a fantastic life in Pittsburgh. A great career, wonderful friends and a beautiful home in an historic neighborhood. I have worked in local government, got a graduate degree at Carnegie Mellon, built a career in investment management and took a break from the corporate world for 6 years to run a nonprofit devoted to women entrepreneurs. I recently got engaged to be married to a wonderful man from Seattle. I remember living at 123 No. Barnard Street and having wild and crazy parties. I lost touch with my roommates and would love to re-engage one day! I have fond memories of Michael Mudshark and the guys from Carlisle and wonder where they are.